Our Leadership Team
We are the Leadership of The SHOUT of Praise Youth Group!!!! We believe that it is our duty as your “elders” to direct your hearts and lives straight to the Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ!! We are spirit filled and Christ led individuals that are willing to invest our utmost for your highest elevation in Christ!!

Pastor Sonny Wahl
We want to say welcome to all the youth and parents to Shout of Praise Youth Group! We have a passion to see the youth of this generation rise up and become mighty for Jesus. .Our goal is to help motivate, equip and guide every young person to be totally successful in all they plan to do. Our dreams can only be realized when Jesus Christ becomes the center of our life.
Dale and
Hope Goodrich
Dale and Hope Goodrich have been working with youth for many years as leaders in church youth groups, coaching school sports teams and most importantly successfully raising teenagers and young adults that love and serve God. They bring a great depth of example and wisdom to all. Dale is also a supervisor in the local refinery.
Mike Scichowski
is a father of 5 wonder Children that are serving God, professionally, in the ministry and on foreign fields. Mike is all about FUN and keeps kids and big kids motivated and excited! He brings a good balance of maturity and lightheartedness for the youth. Mike is also a great teacher and presently a supervisor in the work force.
Rusty and Teresa Carmouche
are raising 4 great children and have been married for 17 years.. They are everything and everywhere for the youth and adults of Praise Church. If anything needs to be done for any event, meeting, outreach or service, you will find this couple hard at work and getting the job done. For that reason we call them Servant Leaders! Their hometown is: Gonzales,La
Thomas and Dana Benoit
have been working with the youth at Praise Church for a number of years and help plan activities and coordinate worship. Dana grew up on the missionary fields of Brazil and Russia as a missionary’s kid. Thomas works in the local industry and serves in helps ministry in Big Church. They have one daughter.
Jeff and Kellie Tanner
Youth Band Directors Jeff and Kelly are seasoned Musicians and Worship Leaders in Big Church. They are presently teach and train the youth in vocals, instruments and coach the youth worship team. The kids are being taught and trained at a very high level to play and lead for worship service.